Thomas Eykemans

Books, design, etc.


Multicultural Marketing and Business Consulting

Thaddeus Spratlen, Leslie Lum, Detra Y. Montoya, and Michael Verchot

University of Washington Press


Today, as the nation's population is becoming more and more diverse, it is imperative for students to learn how to effectively grow businesses that serve a variety of customers, are owned by people from a broad range of backgrounds, and are inclusive in their employment practices. Multicultural Marketing and Business Consulting has been developed over a 15-year period to guide learning as students complete complex projects with a variety of small businesses, with an emphasis on solving marketing and management problems in culturally diverse and rapidly changing business environments. In project-based courses, students also learn valuable consulting and business assistance skills. The book provides strategies, techniques, and tools for meeting the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs who are Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, African American, and from other culturally diverse and underrepresented groups.
