Thomas Eykemans

Books, design, etc.


Believe In Yourself

Business Essentials For The Millennial Entrepreneur

Jaebadiah S. Gardner

GardnerGlobal, Inc.


What’s it like to build a real estate development company during the 2009 recession with little to no money? Believe in Yourself: Business Essentials for The Millennial Entrepreneur offers a tool kit of “essentials” for budding and existing entrepreneurs. This book explores the pain, anguish and trauma that’s involved with building a business during one of the most depressed economic times in American history. Written in first person by Author Jaebadiah Simpson Gardner readers get an inside glimpse into the gritty, honest experience of what it’s like being a young executive and CEO in a time capsule when all corporate rules were broken but broken for who? This book is filled with war stories, little victories but much determination. For those who do not have the luxury of readily available resources to kick start their dreams, readers will get a personal perspective on what it takes to start and maintain a business in this modern era with scant resources. A twinge of personally defined esoteric verbiage backed with real life examples, there’s no “salesy” or savior approach, just raw experience. In an inherently suppressive environment, Jaebadiah explores his motivation to continue to maintain business through bank loan denials, family dismissals, fires, systemic racism and much more.
